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Jail, caning for workers who sexually assaulted maid while hired to pain interior flat

Post Date: 14-02-2024

Miah Suzon, 35, was carrying out painting works when he followed after a domestic helper in the flat to molest and sexually assault her. He started after the helper's employer went out to buy more paint when Miah did not have enough

Even though the employer's mother was in the flat, Miah still molested the helper, touching her chest area inappropriately and attempting to kiss her when he found her alone in the room

Despite the helper rebuffing his sexual advances, Miah sexually assaulted her while she was washing clothes in the toilet

Miah was sentenced to five years and nine months' jail with four strokes of the cane

SINGAPORE — While carrying out painting works at a flat, Miah Suzon molested and sexually assaulted a domestic helper who was employed to look after an elderly woman living in the flat

The 35-year-old Bangladeshi was sentenced to five years and nine months' jail with four strokes of the cane on Tuesday (Feb 13) after he pleaded guilty to one charge of committing sexual assault.

Three other charges of using criminal force to outrage the modesty of a person was taken into consideration during sentencing.

The victim cannot be named under a court order to protect her identity.

According to court documents prepared by Deputy Public Prosecutors (DPP) Melissa Heng and Adelle Tai, Miah was an employee at CitiWall, a construction firm specialising in renovation.

The domestic helper, who was 26 at the time of the incident, was employed by an elderly woman's son to look after her in the three bedroom flat.

Sometime during the second week of August in 2022, Miah offered painting services to the victim's employers for S$1,300, and returned on Sept 3 when he needed to shift the furniture before the painting works could start.

When the helper bumped into Miah in the kitchen, he suddenly told her in English: "I want to eat you".

Stunned by his comment, she showed him a disgusted look and otherwise ignored him.

Before he left the flat, Miah asked the helper for her mobile phone number but was met with silence.


On the morning of Sept 11, Miah arrived to paint the flat. 

While the helper's employer was away to buy extra paint, Miah entered a bedroom where the helper was folding clothes and put both his hands on her shoulder.

Feeling uncomfortable, she elbowed Miah and walked out of the bedroom to the living room where she sat down on the floor, next to the elderly woman, who was watching television.

Miah followed her and put his hand underneath her shirt to squeeze her chest area without consent.

Court documents stated that the elderly woman did not notice what had happened.

Feeling shocked, the helper elbowed Miah and headed to the bedroom to clean.

Again, Miah followed her, and placed his hands on her shoulder and then grabbed her waist and stomach from the back, pulling her towards his body.

He then kissed her neck before squeezing her chest area and used his other hand to cover the helper's mouth to prevent her from screaming for help.

She eventually managed to push Miah away and returned to the living room to calm herself.

Shortly after, she headed to another room to clean up painting stains when she felt Miah suddenly hug her from behind.

When she stood up to ask him what he wanted, Miah did not reply and instead smiled at her before attempting to kiss her on her right cheek.

As the helper attempted to leave the room, Miah pulled the collar of her shirt from behind and used his right hand to hug her abdomen area. 

He then pulled her shirt and bra upwards, exposing her chest area, and touched her inappropriately.

The helper broke free from his grasp by elbowing him and causing him to fall onto the floor before she left the room.

The helper then headed to the bathroom in the kitchen to wash clothes.

While she was bent over, she saw Miah approaching her from the back and when he got close to her, he slid his hand into her shorts and sexually assaulted her.

The helper suffered redness and body aches around her waist area, and experienced pain in her private parts.

Court documents did not disclose how Miah's offences were uncovered.


The DPPs sought a jail term of between five and six years with four strokes of the cane, arguing that not only was Miah deliberate and persistent in his pursuit of the victim, but he had followed her around the flat and molested her at every opportunity.

"Each transgression only emboldened him and this eventually culminated into the most intrusive act," said DPP Heng.

The prosecutors also argued that the victim was vulnerable as she is in a foreign land and might have feared that reporting an offence would jeopardise her employment prospects.

They added that the ordeal had caused psychological harm to the helper who has flashbacks and a deep-seated fear of men.

Anyone found guilty of committing sexual assault, could be jailed for up to 20 years and fined or caned.

Source:  https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/jail-caning-worker-sex-assault-maid-paint-interior-flat-2362501